Wednesday 21 October 2015

It Suddenly Dawned on Me...

One of the very interesting things about living so close to the equator is that the day begins and ends in a very particular way. Dawn, and sunset, take approximately 15 minutes. There is no real twilight. It really is a bit like the old Dudley Moore sketch where the commentator says that "night fell" and, all of a sudden we hear the sound of something dropping to the floor.

One of the consequences of this is that there is no sense here of the day gently waking up; or, for that matter, of the evening waning - it really feels like it's night one minute and day the next (or vice versa). This means that, at least as I see it, the day begins and ends rather abruptly. Of course, it also means that there isn't the problem of trying to drive in twilight which can be very tiring, not to day dangerous - not that I have dared to try driving here.

I thought it would be nice to show you how dawn progresses so quickly here - to be honest, I'm not sure that I have achieved it but here goes anyway. What follows is two series of photographs. In each series, each photo was taken 5 minutes after the other. Hopefully, it will give you some idea of what I'm talking about

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