Tuesday 13 October 2015

Exercise and Sport in the Heat

Even though this will surprise people who know me, I am not known as a person who takes regular exercise. I do, however, try to walk with some degree of frequency. Here in Panama, however, even walking presents its challenges. Take today for example, the temperature went up to 34 degrees and humidity was as high as 100% according to the weather app on my phone - I'm not saying that it is entirely accurate but it does give an approximate idea.

I went for a walk this afternoon with Juan, one of the seminarians. I wasn't a long walk (about
30mins) but we were both absolutely soaked by the time we got back - I actually put my head in to the freezer over the fridge for a couple of minutes to try to cool it down a bit; just for the record, this doesn't work but it does give you quite a sharp headache.

All of this really makes my mind boggle when I see the seminarians playing sport, which they do every day. Soccer is the big favourite but they also play basketball. Some of them prefer to use the gym equipment which is provided - it looks home made, and certainly doesn't include fancy computer controls, but it seems to do the job - I don't consider myself an expert in these matters. The energy they put in to all forms of exercise is impressive and they are very competitive. Sometimes there are competitions - I was asked to contribute towards the prizes last week; I gave $20 which, apparently, will give them the prizes for a number of competitions - good for them.

Anyway, I'm back from my walk, I will do it again, but I'll need to get over this one first.

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