Tuesday 14 October 2014

Some of the challenges...

Tuesday is the heaviest day for me so it was great to have got a good night’s sleep.  I have three hours class with the same students which makes for heavy going by the end of the morning.  Sleeping has been good for the last few nights because it has rained in the evening which has cooled things down considerably.  However, on waking this morning, it was clear that this was going to be a hot one – and so it was.  Temperatures rose steadily during the day – arriving up to 34° (92.3°) - and even though it rained, it didn’t help.  As a matter of fact, it was like walking around in a kitchen where pots and kettles have been left boiling and there has been no ventilation – wet, wet, wet!!!

During class today – and I’m not sure if this is related to the downpour – there were lots of very black mosquitoes about – in my experience mosquitoes have typically been a sort of browny colour but these were distinctly black, and quite a bit smaller than others that I had seen, smaller, but certainly no less bothersome.  Normally, mosquitoes come out at night so it wasn’t expected that they would be around during class time and, as I have said before, I haven’t noticed mosquitoes around here before anyway (there were lots when I went to visit the Augustinian Seminary last weekend – probably due to their large garden and the stream running through it).  Because I had to stay in class – a few mosquitoes would be a pretty poor excuse to walk out – I got bitten quite a bit so I have had a lot of scratching of wrists and elbows since.  Obviously, the fact that I am new here means that the mosquitoes tended to “favour” me with their attentions.

Without doubt, the heat and the mosquitoes are the two things that are giving me most trouble.  I have been ok with the food although I am beginning to notice the after-effects of a diet based on rice which can cause quite a bit of constipation.  I had been anticipating trouble in the other direction but, so far anyway, I have been fine.  Though I am being careful with what I eat – this morning for breakfast we had fried pork with bollos - bollos (bollo – singular) are servings of maize that has been ground and then steamed and normally comes out being roughly the shape of a banana.  They have the consistency and colour of Italian polenta but are quite sweet.  I don’t particularly care for them and, anyway, I am wary of bollos; in fact, I am wary of maize dishes generally.  I have found them to be severe on the stomach and that they can often provoke a dose of “trouble” – so I ate the meat but stayed away from the bollos.  Interestingly, peanuts (known here as Mani, or Cacahuetes) are also very harsh on the tummy.   They taste slightly different to the ones we have at home, a lovely flavour actually, but it is probably wise not to get too carried away with them.

Apart from the obvious reason of caring for your health, there is something else to bear in mind when it comes to caring for your stomach.  Generally, in Central and South American bathrooms, the toilets have a little basket beside them.  This is so that you put your used toilet paper in to it.  This is not an effort to encourage you to recycle by using the other side!!!  The fact is that the pipes for the waste from the toilet bowl are not, generally, wide enough to cope with the toilet paper – the toilet paper here would give the Andrex puppy a run for his money!!! It is not that it is harsh or rough, it is more that it is much more substantial than they type we would typically have at home.  Mind you it’s still not as bad as the greaseproof type we used to have when we were in school!!!  Generally, this basket is emptied once a week so it is important to “keep a lid on it”, literally.
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